Midisoft studio for windows 7
Midisoft studio for windows 7

midisoft studio for windows 7

Instead they wanted everyone to upgrade to Sonar - at a pretty steep price, as I recall. XP broke Cakewalk's Pro Audio and Cakewalk never offered a fix. It worked pretty well, but by then I was running Win XP. Studio 6 was basically a bug fix of the earlier Studio, which was also v6, so sorta confusing. Something like a couple years pass, and I notice Studio 6 is on the market, released by a new outfit that had bought the rights to it. But then MidiSoft went out of business, so there were no more bug fixes. I really liked Studio a lot, despite its bugs.

midisoft studio for windows 7

Back in those days, I had BiaB, and I used it for rhythm sections on a few tracks, but that was about the extent of its use. I used Cakewalk's Pro Audio 8 and later 9 to complete the projects. This was the product I used to get my thoughts down into the computer for my first two albums. Between the inherent instability of Win98 and Studio's bugs, I learned to save my work early and often. I was running Studio on Win98 back in those days and it was kinda buggy. It was my first introduction into a notation-based sequencer, and to me it was the equivalent of discovering a word processor after writing longhand all my life. I bought a copy of it back in 2000 - for about $60, as I recall. I've got a long history with this product. Wish I would have seen it before the expiry on Forte 10 Basic.

Midisoft studio for windows 7