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Semester grades result from averaging the two quarter grades along with the semester final exam based on the a 40%, 40%, 20% scale.Ĭ. Each in-class assignment, notebook, quiz, project, and test will be grades and assigned a grade on a 4.00 grade scale:ģ.5-4.0 = AĒ.5-3.49 = Bđ.5 – 2.49 = C. Quizzes and chapter/unit will be administered at the end of lessons, or at the end of units to measure material mastery. This will constitute 60 % of student’s Quarter Gradeī. Students will be required to maintain a notebook/journal. Students will also be responsible for unit projects, group projects, and reports. Resources may also be available through teacher’s webpage. Lessons will be presented through lectures, class discussion, slideshow presentations, handouts, class text, worksheets, video documentaries, writing exercises, and various literary materials. first class login

IV.Ĝold War to Contemporary Global Issues Fourth 9 weeksĪ. Nation Building & Industrialization to World Wars Third 9 weeks Renaissance, Exploration, Enlightenment & Revolution Second 9 weeks Review Human Prehistory, Early Civilizations, Middle Agesğirst 9 weeks To use information, media, and technology literacy skills. To investigate the impact of science and technology on human and physical systems.ĩ. To synthesize the causes and effects of complex events such as wars and revolutions.ħ. To examine the role economic systems play in determining historical events and issues.Ħ. To assess the historical development of diverse political systems.ĥ. To evaluate how the arts and humanities of diverse civilizations relate to historical developments.Ĥ. To understand the interaction between geography/environmental factors and human interactions.ģ. To understand the relationships between political, social, cultural, religious, technological, and economic institutions.Ģ. first class login

This course fulfills the world history and the arts/humanities credits required for graduation.ġ. Although the emphasis will be on Western Europe and its cultures, the cultures and civilizations of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East will also be studied. first class login

World History is a one-year course which will examine the ideas and actions of humans which have shaped the history of our modern civilization. » Policy 5139- Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion. first class login